Are you hosting an educational activity on prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers? Or an awareness raising event? Or something completely different? Share it with us!
The European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel applauds the efforts of events that help introduce the problematic of pressure ulcers to the public, the professionals and our politicians. Have you organized an event in your facility, that helped raise an awareness of pressure ulcers? Send us an report to and we will publish it below as an inspiration for others!
STOP PU 2024
- ICW Bielefeld, Germany
- Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc, the Czech Republic – press release, photo album
- Réseau Hospitalier Neuchâtel, Switzerland – pictures, video
- Magdi Yacoub Heart Foundation, Egypt – report, video
- Hospital São Luíz Gonzaga São Paulo, Brazil
- Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Turkey
- Specialized Medical Hospital, Egypt
- Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Hong Kong
- Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana, Italy (in italian)
- Fondazione Policlinico Tor Vergata in Rome, Italy
- FN Motol, Czech Republic
- Marienhaus Klinikum St. Elisabeth Neuwied, Germany
- San Vicente de Paul Hospital, Costa Rica
- Comer Health & Rehabilitation, USA
- Covenant Health and Alberta Health Services, Canada
- Azienda Ospedaliera Mauriziano, Italy
- University Hospital Bonn, Germany
- The Wound Care Association – Croatian Initiative, Croatia
- Faculty of Health Care, University of Presov, Slovakia
- Niagara Health, Ontario, Canada
STOP PU 2023
- Hospital São Luiz Gonzaga, Brazil – flyer, photos
- Comer Health & Rehabilitation in Comer, Georgia
- West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
- Hospital University Bonn, Germany
- Diakonhjemmet hospital in Oslo, Norway – report, photo
- L’Azienda Ospedaliera Ordine Mauriziano di Torino, Italy – report (in Italian)
- Aswan Heart Centre, Magdi Yacoub Foundation Aswan, Egypt
- Réseau Santé Balcon du Jura, Switzerland
- Alberta Health Services and Covenant Health, Canada
- FN Motol, Czech Republic
- YOIHD, Türkiye
- Jaber Alahmad Hospital, Kuwait
- Croatian wound association – Croatian initiative, Croatia
- Rehabilitation hospital, Malta
- University of Presov, Slovakia – flyer (in Slovakian), report
- Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana, Italy – report, flyer (in Italian)
- 1st Regional Seminar STOP Pressure Ulcers, Slovakia – invitation and programme, report
- Wounds Canada, Canada
- STOP PU Day, Finland
STOP PU 2022
- Comer Health Rehabilitations, USA
- Maqdi Yacoub Heart Centre, Egypt
- West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospital, United Kingdom
- Covenant & Alberta Health Services, Canada (Patient toolkit)
- Covenant Alberta Health Services, Canada (Provider toolkit)
- Provide Community, United Kingdom
- Nemocnice Jihlava, Czech Republic
- University Hospital Bonn, Germany
- Viborg Kommune, Denmark
- Hospital Sao Luis Gonzaga, Brazil
- FN Motol, Czech Republic
- University Hospital Split & Neuropsychiatric Hospital Popovača, Croatia
- AO Pisa Toscana, Italy
- AO Pisa Toscana, Italy
- STOP PU Day, Finland
STOP PU 2021
- University Hospital Plzeň, Czech Republic
- STOP PU Day events in Finland
- Covenant Health and Alberta Health Services, Alberta, Canada – Memo, Patient Resident Family Toolkit
- MediSmart Technologies Ltd, UK
- Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Pisana, Italy
- Hospital São Luiz Gonzaga, Brazil
- Universitätsklinikum Bonn (UKB), Germany
- TapMed Medizintechnik Handels, Germany
- Réseau Santé Balcon du Jura.vd (RSBJ), Switzerland
STOP PU 2020
- Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Pisana, Pisa, Italy
- Fakultní nemocnice Plzeň, Czech Republic
- MediSmart Technologies Ltd, UK
- Hospital in Fife Scotland, UK
- Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare Ltd, UK – Virtual background
- SWaT Research Centre, School of Nursing & Midwifery, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences – Webinar
- ELCOS – Sociedade Portuguesa de Feridas
- Clontarf Orthopaedic Hospital, Ireland
- Southern District Health Board, New Zealand
- Tallaght University Hospital, Ireland
- Hospital São Luiz Gonzaga, Brazil
- Covenant Health, AHS, Canada – Pressure Injury Prevention Toolkit, Photo gallery
- Report from Finland (Turku University hospital, Helsinki University hospital, Satakunta Central hospital, Päijät-Häme Central Hospital
- Hospital El Carmen Dr. Luis Valentín Ferrada, Chile
- University Hospital Bonn, Germany
- Elective Surgery Centre, Silkeborg Regional Hospital, Denmark
- Bath Royal United Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Talley Group – UK and worldwide
- The Spinal Injuries Association, UK
STOP PU 2019
- ARS Algarve, Portugal
- Covenant Health and Alberta Health Services, Canada
- Dom Pedro II Geriatric and Convalescent Hospital, Sao Paolo, Brasil
- Hong Kong West Cluster of the Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
- Odense University Hospital, Denmark
- Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Ireland
- MediSmart Technologies, UK
- Montecatone Rehabilitation Institute, Imola, Italy
- Sao Liuz Gonzaga Hospital, Brasil
- St. Mark s Hospital- Fredrik Salmon Ward, UK
- The Wound Management Committee, Malta
- University Hospital of Pisa, Italy
STOP PU 2018
- Alberta, Canada, Stop PU day
- Pisa, University Hospital, Italy
- Netcare Montana Hospital, Pretoria, South Africa
- University Hospital Leuven, Belgium
- University Hospital Pilsen, Czech Republic
- Volunteer campaign in Samara, Russia
- Cornwall community, UK
- Belfast City Hospital, Northern Ireland
- University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
- University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
- London North West University Healthcare, UK
- Kowloon Hospital, Hong Kong
STOP PU 2017
- Hospital Sao Luiz Gonzage, Brazil
- Medismart at MEDICA 2017
- Department of Nursing Management of the Russian Peoples Friendship University (PFUR), Moscow, Russia
- Students of Sevastopol Medical College
- St. Mark’s Hospital – Frederick Salmon Ward
- The Finnish Wound Care Society
- Helsinki Uusimaa Hospital District