Search Results for : 2024

Camilla Leerskov Sørensen

EPUAP Trustee Educated nurse 1996. Since 2006 I have worked as a Woundcare Nurse at different wards and different out-patient clinic. Mainly in the orthopaedic clinic. Since March 2018 I have worked as a ulcer nurse, placed at an overall level at Aalborg University Hospital. I work at department for quality and development. My function is…


Prof. Jane Nixon

EPUAP Trustee Jane Nixon is Professor of Tissue Viability and Clinical Trials Research and Deputy Director at the Institute of Clinical Trials Research. In 2016 she was appointed as an NIHR Senior Investigator and in 2017 was awarded an MBE for her contribution to health research. She gained a Masters in 1996 and PhD in…


Beata Gress Halasz

EPUAP Trustee University of Prešov, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Prešov, Slovakia, fellow assistant. SSOOR (Slovak Wound Care Society), chair. An experienced nurse in the care of chronic wounds with a specific focus of pressure ulcers. Her interests are practice and education in the field of wound care, advanced nursing roles in wound…


Britt Hansen

EPUAP Trustee Since 2006 I have worked as a Registered Nurse at University Centre for Wound healing at Odense University Hospital, Denmark. My work involves basic wound care, and pressure ulcer prevention. The patient category is primarily patients with spinal cord injury. My responsibility involves prevention and treatment of pressure ulcer within this group of…


Steven Smet

EPUAP Trustee Steven Smet has a master degree in nursing and hospital infection control. He worked for 2 years in the intensive care unit and started afterwards as the coordinator of the wound care centre at the Ghent University hospital. Steven is a clinical nurse specialist in wound care and is responsible for the wound care…


Guido Ciprandi, MD, Ph.D.

EPUAP Trustee Guido Ciprandi graduated from University of  Rome La Sapienza (UR1)  in 1982, appointed Specialist in Thoracic Surgery in 1987, Specialist in Pediatric Surgery, University of Rome Tor Vergata (UR2) in 1992.  His training in General and Thoracic surgery was done at the Clinics for General Surgery and Thoracic Surgery of UR1 and UR2,…


Lucie Charbonneau

EPUAP Trustee Lucie Charbonneau is a Wound care Nurse Specialist for in and out patients with wounds at Lausanne University Hospital.  She created the institutional pressure ulcer prevention program in the hospital in 2009, organized annual PU prevalence and managed the program for 10 years. She is responsible for the wound care protocols in the…


Joan-Enric Torra Bou

EPUAP Trustee Joan Enric Torra is currently, and since 1-IX-2018, post-doc researcher and lecturer in the Faculty of Infermeria and Physiotherapy of the University of Lleida, Catalunya.. He is the founder and Managing Director of SAPIENS Ferides/as-Wounds Consultants, the first comprehensive consultancy on wounds in Spain and Latin America. and person in charge of the…


Maarit Ahtiala

EPUAP Trustee I am working as a Registered Nurse and an Authorized Wound Care Nurse at the Adult Intensive Care Unit in Turku University Hospital, Finland. My responsibilities include coordination of wound care and pressure ulcer prevention practices at the department. I am a member of the Turku University Hospital Wound Care Team.I am an invited…