I am working as senior lecturer and Professor in nursing at the department of Nursing, Masaryk University, and faculty of Medicine in the Czech Republic. I am also a trustee of the Czech Wound Management Association and a member of the expert for pressure ulcers expert panel by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (organising preventive measures on national level, national and international education and scientific events and sharing evidence based knowledge and skills not only in wound management). I am also working as a head of department for evaluation of quality of care on national level at Institute of Health information and statistics in the Czech Republic (IHIS CR) which I am representing in OECD (healthcare quality indicators group).
I have been involved in several national and international project focusing on wound management, pressure ulcers prevention and treatment, nursing empowerment and nursing education through mentoring not only in wound management. I am actually involved in EPUAP & EWMA Join advocacy project and particularly I am interested in classification and scoring systems in nursing in general (e.g. pressure ulcer classification, differentiation in nursing diagnostic and appropriate symptomatology management – intensive care and elderly care particularly, science implementation etc.) Currently I am collaborating with Skin Integrity Research Group (SKINT) in the development and psychometric testing of instruments to measure outcomes of nursing interventions related to pressure ulcer prevention and IAD identification and treatment.