EPUAP Research Committee Chair

Pierre-Yves Rohan is an Assistant Professor at the Arts et Metiers ParisTech, France. He has been trained in soft tissue biomechanics and computational mechanics applied to finite deformations. He has been conducting research activities in the field of Pressure Ulcer prevention since 2016 when his group obtained a research grant for investigating the consequences of mis-adaptation of orthoses for the full-body exoskeleton EMY (Enhanced Mobility) built by List, a CEA Tech institute, aiming at restoring mobility in tetraplegic patients. The current key research interest of Pierre-Yves ROHAN is to develop methods to establish relationships between the progressive tissue damage accumulation and local mechanical deformation, tissue hypoxia, inflammation and edema to be able to predict onset of Stage I Pressure Ulcer following the exposure of the skin to prolonged external loads at the skin interfaces.

Email: pierreyves.rohan@live.fr