EPUAP Trustee
Pedro Sardo is Degree in Nursing (2005), Master in Nursing (2007) and PhD in Nursing Sciences (2017). He is a Clinical Nurse Specialist in “Critical Care Nursing” (2019) and in “Medical-Surgical Nursing” (2021). In clinical practice, he worked for several years in the Emergency Department at “Aveiro Hospital” and performed Pre-Hospital Care for “National Emergency Medical Institute”. He is a Certified Trainer in “Basic Life Support-Automated External Defibrillation” and in “Clinical Simulation”.
Pedro Sardo is member of “Ordem dos Enfermeiros” (Nursing Council), “Associação Portuguesa de Tratamento de Feridas” (Portuguese Association of Wound Treatment) and European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. Currently, Pedro Sardo is Professor and Researcher at University of Aveiro.