How to apply for educational grants

There have been some changes in the ability of MedTech companies to sponsor healthcare professionals attending educational events such as the EPUAP conferences.

In the past, many healthcare professionals have been directly sponsored by MedTech companies for conference attendance at national and international conferences.

MedTech Europe have revised their code of conduct which means that member companies are no longer permitted to directly sponsor healthcare professionals attending 3rd party conferences with implementation from 2018.  This means member MedTech companies are no longer able to provide reimbursement of conferences costs/ expenses, or make arrangements for, or in any way directly support an HCP to attend a 3rd party conference (even for presentation of a poster or oral paper).

Under the new regulations Educational Grants funded by industry are now available through the following channels:

Apply to MedTech Companies through your Health Care Organisations

Member MedTech companies are allowed to provide Educational Grants to Health Care Organisations  to cover funding for Health Care Professionals to attend 3rd party conferences such as EPUAP.  Health Care Organisations (such as hospitals, universities or others) should apply directly  to MedTech companies. The EPUAP conference secretariat cannot be involved in the application process, selection or review of this type of educational grants managed directly nor be involved as mediator between industry and health care organisations.

How to apply to a MedTech company :

Submit the completed template from your Health Care Organisation to a MedTech company.  Each MedTech company will have a review process and where approved they will agree the level of funding with your employing organisation. The template includes estimated registration and hotel costs. The applicant should estimate travel expenses. 

Apply to EPUAP Conference Organisers

Member MedTech companies are allowed to provide Educational Grants to the EPUAP Conference Organisers who in turn are able to provide Educational Grants to Health Care Professional for conference attendance.  Based on agreements with industry partners, the educational grants will cover one or all of the following items: registration fee, accommodation for the period of the conference (max 3 nights) and flight ticket (max 350 EUR economy fair).

How to apply to EPUAP :

Look on the conference website and apply online (more information will follow). These will be awarded on a first come first served basis subject to you fulfilling any MedTech company educational grant restrictions. Funding includes registration and a maximum amount payable for a hotel and travel costs.

List of MedTech companies

List of EPUAP 2020 Exhibitors

There are also other changes to the code of practice which affect the MedTech companies and conference organisers, and you may see changes in the format and nature of conferences and limitations to social events and venues, to ensure they fit with the code. In addition:

  • New transparency and public disclosure requirements
  • The use of a conference vetting system: events must be assessed to ensure they comply with guidelines
  • Where companies do not comply with the code there are a number of significant penalties including fines, disqualification from procurement and company directorship.