EPUAP 2025 Chair
I am working as a Registered Nurse and an Authorized Wound Care Nurse at the Adult Intensive Care Unit in Turku University Hospital, Finland. My responsibilities include coordination of wound care and pressure ulcer prevention practices at the department. I am a member of the Turku University Hospital Wound Care Team.
I am an invited expert for the team of The Hospital District of Southwest Finland planning the pressure ulcer prevention protocol for the whole hospital district. The project is ongoing. I organize, together with the wound care teams of ICU and the Turku University Hospital, educational wound care events for the ICU and for the whole hospital district. Organizing STOP Pressure Ulcer Day campaigns.
I was an EPUAP Trustee 2014-2020. During these years I was a member of the Educational Committee, a member of the Guideline Committee (Translations) and a member of the Research Committee. I was a board member of Finnish Wound Care Society (FWCS) 2013-2019. I am currently an invited expert for the FWCS.
Email: maarit.ahtiala@tyks.fi