21st EPUAP Annual Meeting Lyon, France

21st EPUAP Annual Meeting 2019

Lyon, France

18-20 September 2019
Pressure ulcer prevention without frontiers


EPUAP 2019 Quality Improvement Projects Awards
A new approach of risk assessment and prevention: using the UZ Leuven risk assessment in a pro-active pressure ulcer prevention policy; Annelies de Graaf, Belgium
The development of the Purpose T pressure ulcer risk instrument into an electronic questionnaire to support mobile working; Nikki Stubbs, United Kingdom
Striving for Perfect Care – preventing skin breakdown in the community setting in the UK; Nicky Ore, United Kingdom

EPUAP 2019 Excellence in Education Awards
Shanley Pressure Ulcer Prevention Programme (SPUPP); Emer Shanley, Ireland
Interdisiplinary systematic education about prevention of pressure injury among patient with spinal cord injury; Hanne Haugland, Norway

EPUAP & 3M IAD and Pressure Ulcer Innovation Awards
Repositioning for preventing pressure ulcers: a systematic review; Pinar Avsar, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Ireland
Integrated experimental-computational analysis of sacral soft tissue stresses during patient migration in bed; Maayan Lustig,Tel Aviv University, Israel

EPUAP 2019 Best Free paper Presentation
Maintaining skin integrity in the aged: a systematic review update; Andrea Lichterfeld-Kottner, Germany

EPUAP 2019 Best Student Free Paper Presentation
Impact of diabetes on CGRP signaling pathway in pressure ulcer healing process; Noelle Remoué, France

EPUAP 2019 Best Poster Presentation
Basic concepts of intraoperative acquired pressure injury prevention measures for the park bench position and Relton-Hall frame prone position in the operating room; Norihiko Ohura, Japan

EPUAP 2019 Best French Poster Presentation
Deux outils pédagogiques pour optimiser la prévention et le traitement de l’escarre; Sylvie Palmier, France